Kitchen Stack Cleaning

Kitchen Stack Cleaning

A kitchen sink stack is a vertical drain pipe that runs along the inside of a building from one kitchen to another. When residents use their kitchen sinks, the wastewater flows down the drain pipe and into the sewer system. 

The fat, grease, oils and solids that are sometimes poured down the drains can start to congeal as they cool, resulting in slow drains for multiple units and partial and complete clogs for some. If the clog is severe enough, it can cause the pipe to backup. This can result in thousands of dollars in damage. 

Summit Building Maintenance provides preventative maintenance for kitchen sink stack cleaning. We recommend that the kitchen sink stack is cleaned every 3-5 years. We specialize in restoring the flow of these stacks by feeding a drain cleaning machine from the top of the stack all the way down into the building sewer main. This way the entire stack is cleaned thoroughly and any build-up is removed.

At Summit Building Maintenance, all of our technicians are certified and trained to ensure that kitchen stacks are cleaned properly and safely.

Request a free quote or contact us today for preventative maintenance for kitchen sink stacks!